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U2D Aprenia for the company

A learning experience platform puts the learner first. As such, it comes with many benefits for individuals and team members. But which advantages U2D Aprenia offers for the enterprise, you can find out here!

hands company values

Google, Apple & Co. have jumped on the bandwagon

Time seems to be an infinite element of the everyday as well as the professional life. Sometimes we take it in and sometimes it flies by. What time does bring, however, is change. These changes are inevitable and often unpredictable. In recent decades, globalization and digitalization have become massive tools of many different industries. They are not infrequently responsible for the success of companies. Google, Apple & Co. jumped on the bandwagon in time and have created a standing for themselves.

businessman walking

Knowledge - the most valuable resource - is based on mindset.

Most companies are already digitized and have seemingly perfected the concept of their products or services. But the success of a company is not only based on - nowadays self-evident - basic building blocks. What is really important is the knowledge within the company. This knowledge is reflected by your employees. Each member of the team brings strengths that are important for advancing a simple activity or complex project tasks. Often, however, employees think that strengths and talents are fixed traits or skills. They spend time putting them in place without considering change. An experienced sales employee in the product department without digital or current understanding is no greater added value than a university graduate with little professional experience. In order to avoid constant staff turnover and retain existing employees, know-how must be continuously expanded. The priority should therefore be not only to use existing talent, but also to promote it.

Stonks do be goin up

Using an L&D tool as a success factor

Knowledge is the most valuable resource in any organization. This is reflected in the strengths of each individual employee*. Therefore, project work within a group whose success is based on the talents of its individual members is indispensable. Companies that recognize the importance behind successful collaboration are already using L&D tools."L&D" is an acronym from the English-speaking world for "Learning & Development" and can be considered part of human resource development.The goal of L&D is to align the learning goals and performance of employees* or individual team members with those of the organization.


U2D Aprenia as a solution!

The innovative and at the same time most modern knowledge management solution, U2D Aprenia, is a LXP (Learning-Experience-Platform). With an LXP, unlike a classic LMS, the focus is not on structured learning, but on the efficiency of the learner. U2D Aprenia allows employees to quickly and easily place small pieces of knowledge into the system and thus centralize them. This is then easily accessible for employees who need to be trained. In order to meet the needs of every learning type, the knowledge transfer as Spark can be done in different ways. For example, a knowledge article can be formulated, a video recorded, a SCORM package posted or a link placed on an external website. Likewise, there is the possibility of making a document available to users* for download. This concept brings many valuable benefits to all parties involved, whether individual employees, teams or the entire company. Convince yourself of the advantages that U2D Aprenia offers you and test the LXP for free!