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Unleashing the potential of New Work

The world of work is changing rapidly. At the centre is the New Work movement, which focuses on flexibility, self-determination and collaboration. The term New Work is therefore primarily characterised by flexible working time models, work-life balance and benefits for employees. In addition, digitalisation enables seamless communication and collaboration between teams - online and independent of location. Learn more about the potential of Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) that support this new work culture in this article.


Understanding the concept of New Work

If you look back at the last decades, you will notice a strong change in the world of work. The traditional workplace with fixed hierarchies and rigid structures is a thing of the past. In an increasingly globalised and digitalised world, flexibility and agility are becoming more and more important. This is precisely where the concept of New Work comes in. New Work stands for a new way of working based on self-determination, personal responsibility and creativity.

In the traditional work model, there were clear roles and tasks that had to be fulfilled by the employees. Decisions were made from above and employees* had little say. New Work, on the other hand, means that employees can act on their own responsibility and are allowed to shape the way they work. This not only promotes motivation and satisfaction, but also the innovative power and productivity of the company.

New Work and flexible working models

With modern technologies, such as an LXP, work can be done from anywhere. From home offices to coworking spaces - the flexible working model offers many advantages.

Remote working saves many people the often long journeys to the office. Time is not the only factor that plays a major role here. Especially in times of inflation, the money spent on petrol or public transport makes itself felt in the bank account. In addition, colleagues who work in a home office can better reconcile work and private life. This leads to the popular work-life-balance.

Working from home also increases the productivity of employees. Around 77% are more productive at home than in the office. (Source: They are not distracted by colleagues, which keeps the focus on the tasks at hand.

Of course, remote work also brings challenges. It requires good self-organisation, clear communication and a stable internet connection.

Infographic on work-life-balance

The challenges of the traditional world of work

The traditional working model provides many disadvantages that have a negative impact on the employees and the company. A rigid hierarchy often leads to low employee participation and lack of motivation. Employees often feel unheard and have little influence on decisions. This results in a low identification with the company and a decreasing commitment of the employees.

Furthermore, the traditional way of working is often not very flexible and adaptable. Working hours are fixed and there is little room for individual needs. Further training opportunities are also limited. Opportunities to develop one's own skills are rarely provided by this model.

New Work, on the other hand, takes up self-realisation in the job and focuses on an important point that is considered the key to motivating employees today and thus also contributes significantly to the success of the company. The incentive lies in using one's own strengths and

and to work on weaknesses in order to grow and learn continuously. It is about challenging oneself and setting new goals that inspire.

The role of LXPs in the New Work movement

Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) play an important role in the New Work Movement. LXPs are digital platforms that enable employees to learn and develop independently and flexibly. They offer a variety of learning content that is individually tailored to the company's needs. Unlike Learning Management Systems (LMS), LXPs do not follow a top-down approach. All employees can independently upload their corporate knowledge to the platform and access that of others. Learners are teachers and vice versa.

For this reason, LXPs are more than just learning platforms. They also promote exchange and collaboration between employees. By integrating social functions, employees can communicate with each other, network and learn from each other. This not only strengthens cohesion within the company, but also promotes creativity and innovation.

Advantages of LXP use in the workplace

The use of LXPs offers many advantages for companies and employees. Above all, flexibility is of great importance. LXPs like U2D Aprenia allow employees to learn anytime, anywhere. They can set their own learning goals and learn at their own pace - according to the multiple nucleus approach. The organisation here is decentralised. This allows learners to continuously expand their knowledge and their learning success as well as the learning experience are in the foreground.

Another advantage of LXPs is individualisation. LXPs offer a wide range of learning content that is tailored to the individual needs of the employees. They can choose which topics interest them and which skills they want to develop. This makes learning not only more effective, but also more motivating. At U2D Aprenia, we refer to this as personalised learning content, which shows you automatic recommendations based on your interests. This allows employees to internalise coherent issues more quickly, continuously expand their knowledge and skills, and adapt to the ever-changing demands of the labour market.

In times of home office and remote working, promoting exchange between colleagues is more important than ever. LXPs ensure that communication can work smoothly at any time and from any location. With integrated social tools such as the messaging function at U2D Aprenia, it is possible to promote collaboration. Knowledge articles can be easily shared and a dynamic learning environment is created.

Statistics on remote working: By 2028, 77% will be working according to this model

Another aspect that makes the use of LXPs so interesting is gamification. If the motivation to learn is limited among employees, friendly competition can help. Here, playful elements such as ranking lists, point systems and badges are used to motivate learners. Those who achieve their learning goals get badges and the reward system is strengthened.

The impact of digitalisation on the modern workplace

The introduction of LXPs has an impact on the learning culture in companies. Traditionally, learning was often limited to formal training and seminars. Employees had to be at certain places at certain times to learn. This was often time-consuming and inflexible.

With the implementation of LXPs, this is changing. Digitalisation is having a major impact on the modern workplace. It is not only changing the way we work, but also the demands on employees. The world of work is becoming increasingly networked and globalised. Colleagues need to be able to deal with new technologies and adapt quickly to new situations.

LXPs play an important role in meeting these challenges. They enable employees to continuously expand their digital skills and adapt to the ever-changing requirements. Through flexible and individual learning, they can continuously improve their knowledge and skills and meet the demands of the digital age.

Case Studies: Successful use of LXPs in companies

Many companies have already successfully integrated LXPs like U2D's Aprenia into their organisations. One example is the Public Employment Service Austria, which introduced LXPs to improve knowledge transfer opportunities and documentation for employees. By making learning individual and flexible, they were able to continuously expand their skills and knowledge. This led to a higher motivation and productivity of the employees as well as to an improved innovation power of the company.

Another example is NEUMÜLLER. The company's great desire when introducing the LXP U2D Aprenia was to promote cooperation and exchange among colleagues in the marketing department. Through the integration of social functions, the employees can now communicate better with each other, network and learn from each other. This has generated new ideas and solutions that have significantly advanced the company.

Overcoming resistance to change in the introduction of LXPs

The introduction of LXPs can be met with resistance. Especially among employees or managers who are used to the traditional way of working. It is important to take this resistance seriously and actively address it. Open communication and the involvement of staff in the change process are crucial.

It can be helpful to highlight the benefits of LXPs for the learners and the company. Show how LXPs make learning more flexible and individualised and give employees the opportunity to continuously develop. In the spirit of New Work, the focus here is on self-fulfilment and the development of the potential of all employees.

In addition, it is important to offer training and support to facilitate the start of learning with LXPs. Such training can help to reduce possible fears or uncertainties and increase staff confidence in the new way of working. U2D Aprenia also offers your company the possibility to easily plan events via the learning platform with the help of a calendar.

Conclusion: Shaping the future of work with an LXP

However, the introduction of LXPs requires careful planning and implementation. It is important to consider the specific requirements and needs of your business and choose the right LXP. U2D Aprenia relies on strong customer support here and can adapt excellently to your needs. Are you ready to revolutionise the work culture in your company and unleash the full potential of New Work? Learn how to implement an LXP sustainably in your company in this blog.